ummer has arrived in the city, proclaiming it the season for picnics, festivals and walks in London's parks. For our canine friends, the capital puts on its fair share of dog shows large and small, whether dog wants to strut his stuff, make new friends, or simply sniff out the competition. They are also a superb opportunity for you to make dog-minded friends, meet your canine neighbours and pick up some great advice, tips and treats.
We’ve put together a list of shows in and around London's boroughs to get you and your hound hobnobbing.
Waggy Wimbledon, Saturday 18th June 2016
We kick off in South West London, at the Waggy Wimbledon show, on the 18th of June. Part of the Wimbledon Guild Village Fair, dogs can enter in eight categories ranging from Prettiest Girl to Waggiest Tail. Taking place on Wimbledon Common Southside, entry for the competition costs £5 per category, although the rest of the fair is free to see. It promises live music, a food village, and, erm, jousting.

"I can't believe she's wearing the same collar as me"
Belgravia Dog Show, Saturday 25th June 2016
Next stop Belgravia, for the Belgravia Dog Show, taking place on the 25th of June in Belgrave Square Gardens. As well as ten categories in the competition, events include a doggie disco, a summer fayre, and other canine festivities. Admission is £15, and all profits go towards the Dogs Trust, so it’s a lot of fun for a very good cause.
South End Green Festival, Sunday 26th June 2016
Next up on the same weekend, and moving towards Hampstead, on the 26th South End Green Festival takes place with a dog show in aid of All Dogs Matter and, of course, prizes in all categories. Outside the dog show there will be stalls, food and music.

"Have I got something in my hair?"
Canary Woof, Sunday 3rd July 2016
Moving into July, we start things off with Canary Woof, on the 3rd, taking place at Ropemakers Field in Limehouse. There are prizes to be won in a range of categories including a few based on training and agility; entry is £3 per category, and guests are invited to make a donation to All Dogs Matter.
Hounds On The Heath, Sunday 10th July 2016
Next we’re headed for the Heath, and Hounds On The Heath on the 10th July. As well as a dog show with celebrity judges, there’s an agility course, a chance to meet dog behaviourist Kevin McNicholas, and the mysteriously-named Temptation Ally. Entry is £4 per category, with the event in aid of The Mayhew Animal Home, which is celebrating its 130th birthday.
Stay tuned for more round-ups of dog shows happening across the UK!