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Much more than a prize in a country fair, the lowly goldfish is anything but. It's one of the most common aquarium fish and is a member of the carp family.
Goldfish are messy eaters, so experts recommend changing 10% - 20% of the tank water every week.
If you call cannibalism as a social activity, goldfish are social indeed. Best to keep goldfish with other goldfish as any smaller fish might be considered lunch.
They don't like when some buy into the popular myth that their memories don't last longer than three seconds. They'll have you know that they can be trained to respond to colours and other cues.
Being the Labradors of the fish world, Goldfish can eat themselves to death. Three times a day where it takes them a minute or two to consume the amount is about right.
Lady Gaga
They do like to be king of the aquarium, and won't be put up in anything less than a castle.
Goldie, Ginger, Google.
Goldfish do experience health issues, a majority of which are a direct result of poor tank water quality. However, they also experience stress just like we do, and managing who they share a tank with will go a long way to making them happy and relaxed.
Fin Rot
Fin rot is a disease of the fin, a bacterial infection spreading from damage. It can often be cured by ensuring a clean environment for the fish, but sometimes a virulent strain of bacteria will need antibacterial medicine or antibiotics.
Average vet fees: £10 +
Buoyancy Problems
Fish can have various issues causing buoyancy problems, particular with some fancy goldfish breeds. Internal issues such as bacterial infections, constipation and gas can all cause it; bacterial infections can be cleared up with medication, and constipation can be cured with a high-fibre food such as peas. Veterinary intervention may be needed in severe cases.
Average vet fees: £5 - 150
Fish experts tend to say that goldfish aren't the best choice of fish for the first-time tank inhabitant, as they are a little more high maintenance than their reputation would suggest.
Comets are an American breed of goldfish, similar to the common goldfish but more elegant, smaller and with a deeply forked tail.
Fantail goldfish are an old Chinese breed, dating back to the 1400s. With their egg-shaped body and distinctive tail, fantails are one of the most popular breeds.
Bubble Eye goldfish are unique-looking fish, their cartoony big cheeks growing to enormous size as they get older.
Hail the King of Goldfish! Known as ranchu to their mothers, they are considered royalty among the larger fancy breeds.
Popular in Japan and America, Ryukins are a breed dating back to the 1700s. Their humped deep body and double fins give them a distinctive look.
London.. America.. Bristol? The shubunkin comes in these three varieties, although it is yet to be determined if they have accents to match the differences in shape.
Siamese fighting fish, also known as Bettas, are Asian freshwater fish which have been bred in a variety of bright colours.
Mollies are fish from coastal streams and inlets around Mexico, often bred into interesting shapes and colours, particularly with black, speckled, and golden varieties.
Achilles Tangs are beautiful marine surgeonfish, originally from the Pacific. Although difficult to keep, they are one of the most rewarding marine fish around.
Angelfish are Amazonian fish with a distinctive triangular shape and stripes on their body. They are the most commonly kept cichlid, and have been bred into a variety of colours.
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